20 September, 2005

I'm Back....for now

INSANE. That would be the word that best describes how work has been over the past several weeks. That is the reason for my apparent absence from this lovely spot of mine. I decided to hop on the band wagon of having a video playing while you enjoy my babbling. I guess you have to have some reason to come back. Anyway, the Afters are an awesome band that we were introduced to during a concert where Mercy Me was the headliner. We also got to see Jeremy Camp that night too. They are a Christian band that makes pretty cool music. This song is about God's love. I love to listen to it when I'm cruising in the car on a long drive. Hope you enjoy it.

I will try to post more frequently. I have had a couple posts up my sleeve, but haven't taken the time to write. Stay patient and keep visiting.



Anonymous said...
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Matt MItchell said...

Cutie B on da bass...click on the link below the video. Search for the artist and copy the code. Once you copy the code, paste it into your template.