I've heard this song by Alan Jackson and it makes me a bit nostalgic so I thought I'd write a post with the song title as the title of my post. I always stop and think "Remember when you were young and thought how cool it would be to be older?" Now I think how cool it would to be younger again.
Your job is to fill in the blank after Remember When...
me, jason, and christina used to go swimming at grandma's and we would always get Jello Pudding pops and rub them on our faces to look like clowns. Christina used to laugh histericaly at Jason.
lame but true.
I also used to call christina - MOLLY MCBUTTER (the powdered butter) and she would cry. I mean sob uncontrolably. To this day we cannot figure out why it upset her so mucch.
That same night......I remember when we went to the hotel, we found that the hotel had not cleaned the room that good before we got there and we found that porn magazine in the couch. What a nice surprise that was!
I remember the time we all went to German Park and Greg and Matt had lots o beer. Sarah and I had lots of wine and I wound up spilling it all over people. We then galloped over to Baskin Robbins where I rolled around in the birch chips in the parking lot while Greg got me an ice cream. After receiving my ice cream I turned it upside down and smashed it into the ground and then I lost my earring. All in all, a wonderful way to spend a Saturday evening.
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